Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Facilities Layout Definition, Layout Types, Planning and Selection of Layout

Facilities Layout

An operation or process means how its transformed resources are positioned relative to each other & how its various tasks are allocated to these transforming resources
- The configuration of departments, work centers, & equipment, with particular emphasis on movement of work through the system

The basic objective is to facilitate a smooth flow of work, material & information
  • To facilitate attainment of product or service quality
  • To use workers & space efficiently
  • To avoid bottlenecks
  • To eliminate unnecessary movements of workers or materials
  • To minimize material handling costs
  • To minimize production time or customer service time
  • To design for safety
The layout decision is relatively infrequent but important

Basic layout types

  • Fixed-position layout
  • Process/functional layout
  • Cellular/Group layout
  • Product layout

Fixed-position layout

Layout in which the product or project remains stationary but workers, materials & equipment are moved as needed
  • Product or the recipient of service is too large; such as Motorway construction, Open-heart surgery, High-class service restaurant, Shipbuilding etc.

Process/Functional layout

Process layouts (functional layouts) are designed to process items or provide services that involve a variety of processing requirements
  • Can handle varied processing requirements
  • Similar resources or processes are located together

Such as machine shop, Hospital, Supermarket, airlines, public libraries etc.

Cellular/Group layout

Layout in which workstations are grouped into a cell that can process items that have similar processing requirements
  • After being processed in the cell, the transformed resources may go on to another cell

Such as Some laptop assembly, ‘Lunch’ products area in a supermarket, Maternity unit in a hospital etc.

Product layout

Product layouts are used to achieve a smooth & rapid flow of large volumes of goods or customers through a system, sometimes called flow or line layout
  • Flow is predictable & therefore relatively easy to control

Such as Automobile assembly, Loan application processing, Self-service cafeteria etc.

Selecting a Layout

In an operation there are various types of characteristics that will influence its layout

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