Sunday, October 1, 2017

Quality Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Basic steps in problem solving
  • Step 1: Define the problem & establish an improvement goal
  • Step 2: Develop performance measures & collect data (check sheet, scatter diagram, histogram, run chart, & control chart)
  • Step 3: Analyze the problem (Pareto chart, cause-and-effect diagram)
  • Step 4: Generate potential solutions (brainstorming, interviewing, surveying)
  • Step 5: Choose a solution 
- Identify the criteria for choosing a solution & select the best one
  • Step 6: Implement the solution
- Keep everyone informed
  • Step 7 : Monitor the solution to see if it accomplishes the goal.

If not, modify the solution, or return to Step 1

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle

A framework for problem solving & improvement activities, also referred to as either the Shewhart cycle or the Deming wheel

There are four basic steps in the cycle

  • Plan: Begin by studying & documenting current process then collect data. Analyze data & develop a plan for improvement. Specify measures for evaluating the plan.
  • Do: Implement the plan, on a small scale if possible. Document any changes made during this phase. Collect data systematically for evaluation.
  • Check: Evaluate the data collection during the do phase. Check how closely the results match the original goals of the plan phase.
  • Act: If the results are successful, standardize the new method.

- Communicate the new method to all people associated with the process.
- Implement training for the new method.
- If the results are unsuccessful, revise the plan & repeat the process or finish this project.

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